10 tips to start running
Starting to run seems simple, yet many beginning runners have questions. This is only logical because every beginning is difficult. Below are 10 tips to get you started in running.
1. Do not go too fast
When you just start running your body must get used to the new load. Even if you are already a fan of other sports. Keep in the first weeks at least 1 day of rest after training. Especially for beginning runners we have prepared training schedules that you can find here.
2. Distance is more important than speed
Focus in the beginning not directly on your speed, but on the duration of your training. Run at a steady pace, the speed will come later. You should still be able to talk during your 1st workouts, without quickly becoming short of breath.
3. Use a heart rate monitor
A heart rate monitor reduces the chance that you run too fast (with a high heart rate) and therefore also the chance that you get overtrained. In addition, you simply train most effectively if you stay in your heart rate zones. If you have been running for a long time, you probably feel whether you are on the right track, but many people like to see this confirmed in numbers. Especially the combination of an increasing average speed with the same or even decreasing heart rate gives extra satisfaction and motivation. Check out the Activio shop to see which heart rate monitor suits you best.
4. Take it easy
If you feel tired before a workout, take a step back and get some extra rest. Many beginners run too fast. It’s great that you’re getting the hang of it, but you didn’t start out just to end up on the bench with an injury.
5. Choose the right shoes
Good running shoes are crucial to start running without any problems. Get good advice on which shoes suit your feet, build and running technique. Go to a specialist for a good analysis and appropriate advice.
6. Pay attention to your posture while running
Many beginner runners have the tendency to look at their feet while running. This causes you to walk a bit more hunched over. Try to look 3/4 feet ahead and walk upright with your chest forward and shoulders relaxed.
7. Warm-up & cool-down
Take some extra time before and after your workout to get up to temperature. Start by walking or jogging. After about five minutes you can do some dynamic exercises such as knee lifts, heels-legs or cross passes. Stretching is saved for after your workout to get rid of the toxins better and have less muscle soreness the day after your workout.
8. Hydrate
Make sure you have drunk enough before your workout and have not eaten too much. 2 to 3 glasses of water are often enough to keep your fluid levels up. If you have a slight appetite before your workout, eat a handful of nuts or a banana.
9. Together you can last longer
Running with friends is sometimes more fun and easier than alone. You can set goals together and make arrangements to run. In many cases you are more likely to reach your goals. And you can immediately check if you are walking at the right pace by continuing to talk.
10. Pace changes
If, after a while, you can run longer it is good to occasionally incorporate tempo changes into your training. Tempo changes can be playfully incorporated into your workouts and it also ensures that workouts become less monotonous and time flies by!