Nordic Cardio Park X Activio
International trends
In the last decade, an increase of functional training / functional fitness / Functional GX classes are spreading through the industry, whether it be CrossFit type workouts and classes, more movement-based classes or to Boutique studios opening up offering a class designed to deliver a wow-experience. All of this has, now more than ever, has put a challenge upon the traditional gym segment, to keep up with innovations or potentially loose out on business and marketshare.

Quality proofing your GX and lifting your revenue
When looking at the recent 2021 report form IHRSA, a study across the entire sector clearly shows that members will pay more for an experience and perceived value. Experience and perceived value come in many shapes and sizes – from hiring quality staff, delivering a personal and top class service, to gym-design and being clear on your USP. Looking at the financial side of the above, the average monthly across all gyms being approx. 51 USD compared to the 90 USD of Boutique gyms, clearly showing that if you have got all the above dialed in, your revenue would most likely benefit.
The Gym-in-a-gym opportunity
Even If you are not planning on opening up a boutique gym, a viable option for regular clubs is the ‘gym-in-a-gym’, also being a trend on the rise. Bigger players, not only globally, but also in the Nordic region are already starting to make their own ‘boutique gym’ offerings inside the gym, but if you are a smaller operator or single gym-owner, the task of finding time to create a concept, educate instructors etc., can be daunting. Luckily more and more equipment-providers are starting to offer packaged plug and play solutions, designed to help you with all of this. Looking at these solutions, one that offers not only the equipment, but also seeks to optimize the results of members participating , through monitoring and/or planning classes based on heartrate, is the Nordic Cardio Park solution from Nordic Fighter X Activio.

Nordic Cardio Park
Nordic Cardio Park is a HIIT-based concept, using skiers, rowers, bikes from Thor fitness, with the added element of being heart rate based / heart rate monitored, allowing for better results , due to the individually targeted trainings options. An example could be two people with very different training levels, now being able to attend the same classes as the intensity can be adapted to the individual rather than purely being measured for time. This allows for a greater community experience , as classes doesn’t have to be divided up among various fitness levels, but all members, no matter their physical standpoint can achieve optimal training results.
Added benefits towards club loyalty
Besides the superior training experience and improved results, another USP that both clubs and members will benefit from is the option to purchase personal belts, that not only works in the club, but also with your phone of choice. This allows the club to create a stronger loyalty towards the club, offering virtual trainings, at home trainings etc. , and added benefits for the members through the possibility of using the same chest belt for outdoors training like running or cycling, or at home training for on demand workouts.